fredag 22 augusti 2008

Hellqvist and Pramm Diopters

Note the small size of the Hellqvist Jaktdiopter I removed from my ex. sporter m/94 swedish mauser carbine. The big diopter is a Pramm.

I think the Hellqvist must be a nice alternative to a traditional diopter sight for someone who like to keep the traditional look on his rifle. It is sooo small when seen next to a normal diopter sight. The Pramm in the picture, is a post 1953 model according to this post. The difference is an added side locking screw. The Pramm was constructed by Otto Pramm and introduced to the public in 1945. I have an early style Pramm clamp on front sight tunnel as well, for use with this sight.

tisdag 12 augusti 2008

Drilled and Tapped Reciever

Look what someone did to my innocent carbine! I´ll probably leave the holes as they are, they are a part of it´s history anyway.

The reciever can be TIG welded, grinded, polished and reblued. But I feel the blueing will look too perfect compared to the rest. I´ll make my mind up later.


söndag 10 augusti 2008

Instructions for use of the m/94

Click here for the 2004 swedish military instructions on how to use the karbin m/94. The rifle is still in service 112 years after its introduction. Nowdays, the m/94 is intended only for cermonial use.
Notice the m/90 uniformed dude in the pic, the carbine looks kind of small in the hands of a
modern day tall guy. Remember, that it was probably designed to be used by someone born in the 1870s.

fredag 8 augusti 2008

1907 m/94-14 stock

I managed to find yet another carbine stock. This one is not sanded at all, and totally original. Also, it´s from 1907 - the same year as the reciever!

Even if the result of the whole carbine resurrection operation will be an almost totally mismatched shooter, I like everything to match when it comes to age and era of manufacture. Now I´m probably as close as I can get.

The new stock is very worn from use, but never modified in any way except for a missing brass plate. It has the yellow trajectory decal with shellac. I think the first impression of the rifle will be that it´s an old original weapon.

As seen in the picture above, this stock was modified to accept an bayonet, unlike the Mauser Oberndorf stock I intended to use to begin with.

These carbines are commonly called m/94-14 among collectors. In 1914 a program started to convert all m/94:s, and something like 90% of them got this modification.
I think the m/94-14 look a lot better for some reason! Not prettier, but more massive and aggressive.

torsdag 7 augusti 2008

Rear sight for my m/94 carbine

It´s hard to find an original rear ladder sight for my m/94. Ebay sellers in the US won´t ship them to Europe. They probably suspect them to end up in the wrong hands: the evil hands of all those m/94 carbine armed talibans!

Finding m/94 parts in Sweden is not easy. The sight is the last piece of the puzzle. I´m thinking of getting a "round" mojo front sight until I stumble upon an original rear sight. I guess it can be used with the Hellqvist jaktdiopter that´s already installed on the reciever. Not totally butt ugly as the jaktdiopter is very small and discreete. Also, the front sight will be hidden somewhat by the protective ears of the nosepiece.

More news: I found an original, not sanded m94-14 stock + handguard. All complete except for the round brass plate. I will probably use it instead of the sanded Oberndorf stock.

What I need is the following: A rear m/94 sight. A two screw brass plate marked I20 or K4.